Friday, August 16, 2013

Message to mean people

Hey guys! Two posts in one day yay must be something special well it is. I have a very strict rule about leaving nice comments on this blog or I will block you so you can't comment on here. Now I deleted a certain someone on AJ because they were being mean to my friends and they left 2 nasty comments on here. Therefore  which they left their username so I can block them on AJ . So, what I'm saying is, if you leave a mean comment on here I will delete your comment  and block you on AJ problem solved. Just because I don't buddy you anymore is because I have reasons and rights just like anyone else who wouldn't buddy someone. So anyways if you are going to be mean keep it to yourself or tell someone else. You honestly don't affect me and before I delete someone I have to think about it. So their you have it.

That's all for today and have a great day!

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  1. Wow people are being just so rude these days just ignore da haters and keep your head held high! ^_^

  2. I didn't do anything to you Birdle all I did was forgive Golden. Can we please be friends again?
