Hi birdle, im sorry that I left, aj logged me out and it was frozen so I had trouble getting back in but i'm on now so come visit me once you see this, peace love and pancakes, gggal
anyways as I was saying. I'm signing up for high school classes on the 20th and its like everything is setting in now and i'm going to be in high school in 6 months and you in middle school in 6-7 months. I mean ik next year im going to have no time for aj so i wont be able to get on due to tons of homework and extra things but i also kinda want to enjoy aj while it lasts. i'm giong to have to grow up out of aj once i start but that doesn't mean i have to now. you get what i'm saying?
Exactly. My mom talked to me about this the other day. She said that we all grow up and that I should enjoy all the things I do while it lasts, like the other day, I was hanging out with a friend who is a lot younger than me, and she wanted to do some of the things I have kind of outgrown, but I was like WHAT THE HECK so I did it, and it was fun and I saw that even though there is so much more growing up I have to do, im still growing so im just enjoying it while it lasts.
i think im just pressuring myself to grow up when i should just enjoy the last of my "childhood" these next few months. i don't have to quit now and shouldn't i mean we have great memories. sure everyone else has quit but i can still talk to the people that matter and i can have a great time doing it so. my point is i dont think im giong to quit at least not yet. over the summer i will have to and i will have to the week i'm going back becuase im not going to have time and i'll be too old for it. but anyways ya thanks you made a good point lol so i'm not quitting im staying for good until then. and hopefully aj fixes that stupid glitch where you cant see what im saying.
test run 2 http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS445&espv=210&es_sm=93&biw=1280&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbnid=vGaX-Jm0UdTi_M%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcommons.wikimedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFile%3AWhite_Flower_Closeup.jpg&docid=zXIfZC1mZTubSM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F6%2F66%2FWhite_Flower_Closeup.jpg&w=1600&h=1196&ei=mYr5UrWqJOLCyQHKioCwDw&zoom=1&ved=0CG8QhBwwAg&iact=rc&dur=2759&page=1&start=0&ndsp=10
ok so basically to insert a picture what you have to do is if its on the web right click the picture and copy the url then place it in here and copy that and put it in the chrome search bar at the top and enter and then you will see it. if its your picture go to it and right click and open it with internet explore or any web browser. then copy the image url at the top and then paste it in here and do the same as above with copying it and pasting it in the chrome bar at the top and then you will see the picture!
ok so yesterday we got all the papers to sign up for our classes and we got this giant packet and so my friends and i are basiclaly talking simliar classes and this is what my schedule will look for first semester it isnt set yet but its a guess.
honors geophysical science-90 min honors global studies 1-90 min spanish 1-90 min honors lit comp 9-45 min mythology 9-10-45 min study hall-45 min journalism 1-45 min
and there is so much more and the lunch is 45 min and we are going to have study groups at least 2 times a week and im so excited the food is better and its so awesome!!
Hey hey we haven't seen each other in what feels like forever! I'm going to school soon but I'll be on later tonight after school because I have to remake a test and homework but I hope we can talk!! I can't wait for summer when we are both free most of the time but its only basically 2 months away for me :D
Hey we haven't talked in over a week! I hope you aren't mad at me and just busy but I will be on basically all day once I get back from church and errands. So I'll probably be on around 2 maybe earlier lol idk but anyways ya I can't wait to talk to you!!
hi!!!!!!!!! reply when u see this or if tacos eat ur house, whichever comes first. sorry about not reply to your letters, we had some family over so I rlly didn't have time to reply
Lol! Its all good and sorry I was watching the Kid's choice awards when you left this so i wasn't on the computer but we can talk tomorrow just leave a comment on here and we can go on xat when i reply. And if my xat doesn't work then WS and oh I will be on probably like 12 my time since I have church or a little later then that! So 2 your time!! Yay :D
Hey i hope we can talk tomorrow! Its fine if you can't since I'm still on spring break and you are in school and busy and stuff and I have a lot to tell ya and I can't wait to hear from you!! Love ya!
To gggal: We haven't talked in almost 3 weeks because I've been waiting for you to comment back to me. I hope you aren't hurt or anything but if you are wishes to get better! If you are not if you don't want to be my friend just say so. It really makes me sad that over a year of friendship might be ruined because I quit which you said you were cool with. Please reply with your decision and where you have been. I would love to continue being friends but you can't leave me hanging for 3 weeks without knowing whats been going on.
Anyways best wishes that you are ok and you reply soon!
Btw writing this before school so I won't be able to see any replys till I get home.
Im so sorry I feel terrible!!!!!!!! I have been super busy and I feel bad. I got your letters and I was OMG!!!!. I was thinking about u last night I havnt forgotten about you! Please reply soon I don't wanna hurt your feelings.
Ooh what movie and sorry it took me so long to respond! Was at a mud race this morning reply back when you see this and I shall be on WS chatty all day so we can talk.
Today at school we went on an awesome 5th grade field trip. First we went to a place called dreamland and its a skating place and they have lazer tag and an arcade. I went there and I skated but I fell and landed on my back within the first 10 minutes :3. In lazer tag I totally beat my teacher and my team won. Then after that we went to TCBY (the country's best yogurt) and got pink lemonade fro yo :D
That sounds awesome! We have enrichment day tomorrow and I have stuff to tell you so when you see this please get on WS chatty or respond on here so I can tell you stuffles :D
Ok so first of all I have 4 days left of middle school. Omg da nostalgia and I get to go to the awards ceremony Monday night for the 3rd year in a row yay. Anyways as for enrichment day I'm doing high ropes which is zip lining and stuff and then hiking in the evening so its gonna be awesome!! I also have finalish stuff next week. But ya I have more to tell you but I shall tell you this for now. And you already cool XD
Awesome that sounds fun! Im leaving for a cruise the 7th so we wont be able to talk :( I cant wait to hear about being in high school, wow time sure flew, have fun at camp and remember not to participate in any squirrel related activities
Haha thanks for the advice! And aww that stinks D: But when you get back from your cruise we can talk. I'm not going on vacation until July so then we should have like 2 weeks to talk freely plus on vacation I can but ya it depends on your cruise. I can't wait to talk to you about all my high school stuff and I can't wait to hear about your middle school adventures too. Are you out of school yet? I'm guessing you are so congrats on graduating. Time did fly by really fast.
Oh and this is basically how middle school will go for you 6th grade: OMG middle school yay I love you all this is so much better and so cool. Basically everyone still looks like they are in elementary school and this is your elementary gap phase where you don't care about grades or stuff.
7th grade: PUBERTY HITS EVERYONE. HORMONES RUNNING AROUND EVERYWHERE. You are really tired and confused and its just ahh lol. But it's also pretty and you start to realize wow I have to start doing well probably. People start looking more mature. Start finding your true friends and grow away from many fake ones. (It's for the better.)
8th grade: Ew I don't like half of you. I want out of this place and into high school. People look way more mature summer changes everyone. Boys get way stupid. People start dating. High school pressure. Grades matter a lot this year. Probably the best middle school year even though all of the tests. Hardest year. Nostalgia hits hard at the end of the year.
Overall its really fun but if you have any questions just ask me!
Awesome, that's good advice :D I've been on a cruise all week and it was fun but now I'm so tired! I can want to talk, we can go on xat if you want later!
I can't wait to hear about it! I just checked blogger so I can defiantly talk tomorrow in the afternoon just tell me when you are free! Can't wait to tell you a lot and then talk to you! Hopefully we can talk for at least an hour or two tomorrow because I A LOT to tell you about. Peace. :D
I'm ready to talk! I'll be on WS xat and you can comment when you are ready to talk or if you want to talk on here or whatever lol. But ya if you can meet me on there soon.
cool come on WS chat once u see this, and also make me some cookies (jk) btw I did my school the other day and I actually got some good students and ur still principle birdle there :D
Hey I've been on vacation for the past 10 days and I just got back today so I have a ton of stuff to show you later this week and talk about. Including school supplies. :D See you then!
Kk thats fine! Sorry I wasn't on when you commented but if we can't talk tonight then when you get back. I only have 3 weeks of summer left so hopefully we can talk a lot during that time. I'll be busy on these dates. June 26th-27th waterworld
Hi! Sorry I've been busy all day and I'm helping paint the youth group room tomorrow so I can probably talk around 3 or 4 in the afternoon deft at night! And lol thanks for the tip. :D
Hey! I'm not going to be able to talk till Monday! I'm going to waterworld today Saturday and Sunday and the past two days I have been busy. And I'm not taking my laptop so see you then!
Hey I hope you can talk today! Sorry I haven't commented all week or anything I've been pretty busy and I have homework this weekend but I hope you can talk on xat or something so we can catch up. ;D
Hi birdle if you're reading this I wanted to say sorry I havn't been on a lot because I have been sooooo busy preparing for middle school :P Im soooo excited for tomorrow I got my locker all set and all that fun stuff and I make all my supplies look pretty so when you read this reply and we can meet up on xat
Hey! Sorry I haven't replied been busy all doing Ap homework and church and stuff. But you will do great in middle school! I love high school so far and you will be so ready and fashionable for tomorrow hope you have a great day. I'm actually looking forward to school every single day because its much better then middle school(well for me at least) Anyways I'm going to get on xat.
We so have to talk once you get back. I'm sick already because yucky kids come to school with germs so everyone is getting a cold in school so I'm home for today. And sorry I didn't reply last night I have 3 tests today but I have to take them Monday. Anyways yup we gotta talk I have a lot to tell you.
Hey! I saw this around 3 hours ago but I had to study a lot and work on homework. And I have youth group in an hour so we will probably have to talk this weekend!
Hey I have final exams for quarter 1 but will be on fall break next week so we can talk this weekend or friday XD since i will not be at school on friday
I did really good on them so I'm happy about that! I can't wait to hear about your school stuff XD and yes thank you for that advice. I can talk tomorrow night probably after 5 since tomorrow at 2 I'm going to my friend's house because we have homework over break and we are getting that done tomorrow.
I guess this is it. Us being friends has sadly come to an end. We haven't talked in almost 2 months and that really sucks. I have so much to tell you and talk to you about. But it seems we have grown apart. I really want to be friends but with the fact that you can't talk on anything other than this sometimes, i guess it isn't meant to work out. I will always consider you one of my best friends and hope that we can talk again soon. But if that has to happen we need to be consistent even though we are busy we would both have to promise to always try and update/talk at least once a week. Sometimes I miss aj but then realize i only miss you guys and the fun memories we had. I really miss aj during Christmas time and since that is coming up i would love to relieve the memories again if i could. But we grow up and move on from things like that. If you ever want to talk leave it on here or you can of course skype me which is were i continue to talk to coolchico. My skype is ivy wang with a picture of coolchico saying "gurl this ain't no weave." feel free to add me on their if you can :D also you really remind me of one of my best friends piper she has a lot of the stuff you do. really hope we can continue to be friends but if not farewell and see you when you are older. i love ya in a friend way. and can't wait to hear from you again(if that happens)
I'm so sorry! I never want to stop being friends and I'm really sorry I have not posted in a while. My computer broke and they totally had to reset it and I just now got it done. I want to talk as often as we can and my computer is so much better now! I have so much to tell you about middle school so far like how smelly the locker rooms are and how cool the friends I made are and all of that! I like your idea for a weekly update type thing and I will make a giant sticky note and glue it to my dog so she can walk around with it and I won't forget! I am mad at my computer for breaking but now it works so don't expect anymore problems and merry Christmas and happy new year and lots of sparkles and chicken and pie and cupcakes!
It's ok! i got a new computer last week tooand so today im really busy because i have to go to church at 1 for finishing touches on our parade for tonight for my church and then be at that until 7 or 8 so i can talk later tonight on wolfstar's chat or tomorrow! and can't wait to hear.
I don't know why it says that lol I don't get out till 3 and also sorry I keep missing you on xat, we've been putting up holiday decor' (lol I feel soooo fancy) I shall be on xat today and I can't wait until we're on Christmas break so we can talk more often!
Hey i probably wont be able to talk until this weekend during the day. maybe not even till break ihave a lotgoing on but my break is next week. anyways i have bethelem revisted this week plus studying for midterms and then really busy with that next week then a christmas party then foot surgery so maybe not for a little bit idk hopefully this weekend.
wow sounds busy and foot surgery ooh I hope things go well you will be in my prayers and I also have all sorts of parties too lol. I am so annoyed about midterms because science is not my favorite subject of all time and we just got a new science teacher and she ain't to good at it lol. I hope everything goes well and I really hope we get to talk this weekend!
P.S. I have had surgery before, and the nurse gives you Gatorade lol
hey i saw it about an hour ago but i had to study for finals im really sorry im super busy this week but friday i get out at12 and then im going to a movie and then we can talk :D
hey really sorry for not replying. i sawthis but i have been super busy and yesterday i got my foot surgery done so i cant walk a lot today except for the bathroom. so i have to rest my foot a lot so i can walk on it a little tommorrow for church and doctors. also happy almost Christmas!! hope we can talk today. :D
Hey I hope everything went super well with your surgery! I have been praying for you every night and I hope you get well fast. I got a phone for Christmas and I'm pretty excited because now I can call my mom while she's at work easily and stuff like that. I really hope your Christmas went well and I will try to be on as often as possible Christmas is busy lol
Hey I have about 3 weeks left until my foot is totally healed but i can walk and stuff. I had a ton of homework tonight so i really can't talk usually during the week until around 6 or 7 if im lucky anyways, i will try to catch you around that time tommorrow sincewe still haven't been able to catch up. if not deft this weekend.
Oh and what kind of phone did you get? i might be getting an iphone next month(i'll tell you about it) but if your mom is ok with it in private chat we can swap numbers so we can text throughout the week which might be better than this. she can even read our texts if she wants. :P can't wait to talk to you!
Hey so imma be on chat all night and i will be on maybe on tomm. Come on if you can. Also i love that song and i have a cell phone before we are switching plans(it's not an iphone but its cool still) so we can trade numbers now if you are allowed. Also yesterday we got my dress for winter formal and omg its so pretty! i got it with some tights and then these amazing shoes that i bought with my honor roll money. but ya i have a lot to tell you and i don't have a date to winter formal (well i might have one soon...) lol i'll telll you about that too. But im very excited its on feb 14th so its gonna be so much fun. :D
same im sick right now. and sorry we haven't been able to talk in a while. i hope we can this weekend since i will be doing homework and being home all weekend. oh ya guess what was on the 18th? and we sign up for 10th grade classes on the 9th. :D
IKR! I can't wait until summer because we talk more often then we do now. I'm really busy during the summer but I will be able to talk to you on vaca and stuff. How is school going? And next week im off school monday-thrusday because of testing and tomorrow is my last day of the school week since its a teacher workday on friday.
I cant wait until summer either! I think it will be easier to talk more and we will have more time to update eachother on this this page and talk about stuff! School is going good, I did a spelling bee but I got out on the word "nattily." I didn't know that could be used besides a name lol. I hope your school is going good! I can't believe how fast the year is going by for both of us! See u soon!
I don't know that word could be used that way either. School is going well for me and yay I can't wait to hear about all of your school adventures and stuff. And I can't believe you are almost in 7th grade and are going to be 12 soon. See you soon. :D
Cool! what kind of phone? and guess what, I flipped over the handle bars on my bike and broke my arm and collar bone :PPPPP and also someone on aj just asked me for an autograph and they were like THANKSSSSSSS YAY IM GOING TO TELL MY FRIENDS and Im like I think ur mistaken
Oh my gosh I hope you are okay!! And lol that's funny. School ends for us in 13 days and it's a nice alcatel one touch fierce 2. I really like it. Get well soon and we can hopefully talk soon since school is ending soon. :DD
Hi!! I'm on summer vacation! I hope we can talk soon and when do you get out of school? I will be gone May 31st to June 5th because of camp so I will not be able to talk then but I can all of next week and then when I get back I'm going on vacation for 4 weeks. But I will be able to talk with you then. Hope everything is going well!!
hi im finally on summer vacation too!! I got my cast off a few days ago finally so now I can fuction again :PPP. See u soon I will not be able to talk when I go to camp in june but I don't have much planned so
Hi!! It's been so long since I replied to you so sorry about that! I hope everything went well with your cast and that we can tinychat or xat soon. I go back to school August 3rd so I hope we can get in touch before then! I can't believe you are already in 7th grade! it's amazing how time flies. :D See you soon.
Hi birdle, im sorry that I left, aj logged me out and it was frozen so I had trouble getting back in but i'm on now so come visit me once you see this, peace love and pancakes, gggal
ReplyDeleteHey im on aj right now if you wanna see me, come on when you see this, I have a little I am gonna miss you so much you have no idea present
ReplyDeleteHey I just got this and don't worry we are still going to be talking on tiny and here so it's not saying goodbye :D
ReplyDeleteanyways as I was saying. I'm signing up for high school classes on the 20th and its like everything is setting in now and i'm going to be in high school in 6 months and you in middle school in 6-7 months. I mean ik next year im going to have no time for aj so i wont be able to get on due to tons of homework and extra things but i also kinda want to enjoy aj while it lasts. i'm giong to have to grow up out of aj once i start but that doesn't mean i have to now. you get what i'm saying?
ReplyDeleteExactly. My mom talked to me about this the other day. She said that we all grow up and that I should enjoy all the things I do while it lasts, like the other day, I was hanging out with a friend who is a lot younger than me, and she wanted to do some of the things I have kind of outgrown, but I was like WHAT THE HECK so I did it, and it was fun and I saw that even though there is so much more growing up I have to do, im still growing so im just enjoying it while it lasts.
ReplyDeletei think im just pressuring myself to grow up when i should just enjoy the last of my "childhood" these next few months. i don't have to quit now and shouldn't i mean we have great memories. sure everyone else has quit but i can still talk to the people that matter and i can have a great time doing it so. my point is i dont think im giong to quit at least not yet. over the summer i will have to and i will have to the week i'm going back becuase im not going to have time and i'll be too old for it. but anyways ya thanks you made a good point lol so i'm not quitting im staying for good until then. and hopefully aj fixes that stupid glitch where you cant see what im saying.
ReplyDeleteYAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY and btw I think it blocks it because it doesn't like what your saying
Deletetest run for images
test run 2
test run 3 C:\Users\bill\Pictures\2014-01-05 things\things 001.JPG
ReplyDeleteok so basically to insert a picture what you have to do is if its on the web right click the picture and copy the url then place it in here and copy that and put it in the chrome search bar at the top and enter and then you will see it. if its your picture go to it and right click and open it with internet explore or any web browser. then copy the image url at the top and then paste it in here and do the same as above with copying it and pasting it in the chrome bar at the top and then you will see the picture!
ReplyDeletehey aj is being really glitchy for me so we can talk on here when you get this message.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen you in forever! Reply when you see this!
ReplyDeletecome on aj once you see this, I have something for ya
ReplyDeletehey im on aj i'll be ont here for a while i can wait to tell you things
Deletehey im on aj right now and btw every letter your sending me says aj rocks and I got some new news on EDS (my middle school)
ReplyDeleteok so yesterday we got all the papers to sign up for our classes and we got this giant packet and so my friends and i are basiclaly talking simliar classes and this is what my schedule will look for first semester it isnt set yet but its a guess.
ReplyDeletehonors geophysical science-90 min
honors global studies 1-90 min
spanish 1-90 min
honors lit comp 9-45 min
mythology 9-10-45 min
study hall-45 min
journalism 1-45 min
and there is so much more and the lunch is 45 min and we are going to have study groups at least 2 times a week and im so excited the food is better and its so awesome!!
:D that sounds like a lot of fun
ReplyDeletewhen you see this come on your chat
ReplyDeleteim here and on this chat because i cant do xat or we cna tiny if your allowed to or talk on here.
DeleteHey hey we haven't seen each other in what feels like forever! I'm going to school soon but I'll be on later tonight after school because I have to remake a test and homework but I hope we can talk!! I can't wait for summer when we are both free most of the time but its only basically 2 months away for me :D
DeleteHey we haven't talked in over a week! I hope you aren't mad at me and just busy but I will be on basically all day once I get back from church and errands. So I'll probably be on around 2 maybe earlier lol idk but anyways ya I can't wait to talk to you!!
ReplyDeletehi!!!!!!!!! reply when u see this or if tacos eat ur house, whichever comes first. sorry about not reply to your letters, we had some family over so I rlly didn't have time to reply
ReplyDeleteLol! Its all good and sorry I was watching the Kid's choice awards when you left this so i wasn't on the computer but we can talk tomorrow just leave a comment on here and we can go on xat when i reply. And if my xat doesn't work then WS and oh I will be on probably like 12 my time since I have church or a little later then that! So 2 your time!! Yay :D
DeleteHey i hope we can talk tomorrow! Its fine if you can't since I'm still on spring break and you are in school and busy and stuff and I have a lot to tell ya and I can't wait to hear from you!! Love ya!
ReplyDeleteTo gggal: We haven't talked in almost 3 weeks because I've been waiting for you to comment back to me. I hope you aren't hurt or anything but if you are wishes to get better! If you are not if you don't want to be my friend just say so. It really makes me sad that over a year of friendship might be ruined because I quit which you said you were cool with. Please reply with your decision and where you have been. I would love to continue being friends but you can't leave me hanging for 3 weeks without knowing whats been going on.
ReplyDeleteAnyways best wishes that you are ok and you reply soon!
Btw writing this before school so I won't be able to see any replys till I get home.
Im so sorry I feel terrible!!!!!!!! I have been super busy and I feel bad. I got your letters and I was OMG!!!!. I was thinking about u last night I havnt forgotten about you! Please reply soon I don't wanna hurt your feelings.
ReplyDeleteAlso I don't hate you, I wouldn't hate you if someone gave me all the money in the world. I really hope you still wanna be friends :)
ReplyDeleteYAYYYYYYYYYYY happy day I'm glad you don't hate me. And yaaaaaas i wanna be bff's still. :D
DeleteHey reply when u see this :)
ReplyDeleteHey hey! Sorry I wasn't on this morning we went to Walmart but I can talk now before we go see a movie in a couple hours :D
DeleteOh and I will be on WS chatty until 2 my time when we go see the movie. And then I will be back at like 4 my time so ya. :D
Deletefinally done with chorus!
ReplyDeleteyay i'll be on xat :D
Deletetoday we're going to see a movie and I so wish you could come!!!!!
DeleteOoh what movie and sorry it took me so long to respond! Was at a mud race this morning reply back when you see this and I shall be on WS chatty all day so we can talk.
DeleteToday at school we went on an awesome 5th grade field trip. First we went to a place called dreamland and its a skating place and they have lazer tag and an arcade. I went there and I skated but I fell and landed on my back within the first 10 minutes :3. In lazer tag I totally beat my teacher and my team won. Then after that we went to TCBY (the country's best yogurt) and got pink lemonade fro yo :D
ReplyDeleteThat sounds awesome! We have enrichment day tomorrow and I have stuff to tell you so when you see this please get on WS chatty or respond on here so I can tell you stuffles :D
DeleteCool tell me about your enrichments Im curious to see what u do in school. EDUCATION FOREVER (I need to work on being cooler...jk)
ReplyDeleteOk so first of all I have 4 days left of middle school. Omg da nostalgia and I get to go to the awards ceremony Monday night for the 3rd year in a row yay. Anyways as for enrichment day I'm doing high ropes which is zip lining and stuff and then hiking in the evening so its gonna be awesome!! I also have finalish stuff next week. But ya I have more to tell you but I shall tell you this for now. And you already cool XD
DeleteThat's awesome! Bad news..... I broke my finger today. Plus my birthday is tomorrow. Bad timing lol
ReplyDeleteOuch how?
DeleteHappy birthday! And today is my last day of school so I hope we can talk a lot this summer on tiny and xat and stuff. :D
ReplyDeleteThx! I went flying off a swing and bent my finger back
ReplyDeleteOuch! And I'm a 9th grader! And I have so much to tell you I hope you can talk tonight. :D
DeleteOh and btw I'm leaving on June 1st-6th because of camp! I'll be on back on the 6th around 2:00 or so. :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome that sounds fun! Im leaving for a cruise the 7th so we wont be able to talk :( I cant wait to hear about being in high school, wow time sure flew, have fun at camp and remember not to participate in any squirrel related activities
ReplyDeleteHaha thanks for the advice! And aww that stinks D: But when you get back from your cruise we can talk. I'm not going on vacation until July so then we should have like 2 weeks to talk freely plus on vacation I can but ya it depends on your cruise. I can't wait to talk to you about all my high school stuff and I can't wait to hear about your middle school adventures too. Are you out of school yet? I'm guessing you are so congrats on graduating. Time did fly by really fast.
DeleteOh and this is basically how middle school will go for you
ReplyDelete6th grade: OMG middle school yay I love you all this is so much better and so cool. Basically everyone still looks like they are in elementary school and this is your elementary gap phase where you don't care about grades or stuff.
7th grade: PUBERTY HITS EVERYONE. HORMONES RUNNING AROUND EVERYWHERE. You are really tired and confused and its just ahh lol. But it's also pretty and you start to realize wow I have to start doing well probably. People start looking more mature. Start finding your true friends and grow away from many fake ones. (It's for the better.)
8th grade: Ew I don't like half of you. I want out of this place and into high school. People look way more mature summer changes everyone. Boys get way stupid. People start dating. High school pressure. Grades matter a lot this year. Probably the best middle school year even though all of the tests. Hardest year. Nostalgia hits hard at the end of the year.
Overall its really fun but if you have any questions just ask me!
Awesome, that's good advice :D I've been on a cruise all week and it was fun but now I'm so tired! I can want to talk, we can go on xat if you want later!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hear about it! I just checked blogger so I can defiantly talk tomorrow in the afternoon just tell me when you are free! Can't wait to tell you a lot and then talk to you! Hopefully we can talk for at least an hour or two tomorrow because I A LOT to tell you about. Peace. :D
DeleteI'm ready to talk! I'll be on WS xat and you can comment when you are ready to talk or if you want to talk on here or whatever lol. But ya if you can meet me on there soon.
ReplyDeletecool come on WS chat once u see this, and also make me some cookies (jk) btw I did my school the other day and I actually got some good students and ur still principle birdle there :D
ReplyDeletewhen u see this meet me on xat and don't forget the whacking chicken
ReplyDeletekk on xat.
DeleteOn xat when you get this. :D
ReplyDeleteHi i hope you can come on xat becuase we havent talked in like 2 days.
ReplyDeletemeet me on aj when u get this and bring the whacking chicken, AND DO NOT READ THE NEWSLETTER CUZ I GOT CHU A SUPRISEEEEE
DeleteHey I've been on vacation for the past 10 days and I just got back today so I have a ton of stuff to show you later this week and talk about. Including school supplies. :D See you then!
ReplyDeletecool im on now I wont be on for the next 4 days or so, im going to camp at church
ReplyDeleteKk thats fine! Sorry I wasn't on when you commented but if we can't talk tonight then when you get back. I only have 3 weeks of summer left so hopefully we can talk a lot during that time. I'll be busy on these dates. June 26th-27th waterworld
ReplyDeleteim back from camp today so we can hang, btw at waterworld don't swim in the yellow water XD
ReplyDeleteHi! Sorry I've been busy all day and I'm helping paint the youth group room tomorrow so I can probably talk around 3 or 4 in the afternoon deft at night! And lol thanks for the tip. :D
ReplyDeletecool see ya then!!!
ReplyDeleteK I'm ready to talk come on Ws' xat when you get this.
ReplyDeleteHey! I'm able to talk so I'm going to go on Ws chat.
ReplyDeleteHey! I'm not going to be able to talk till Monday! I'm going to waterworld today Saturday and Sunday and the past two days I have been busy. And I'm not taking my laptop so see you then!
ReplyDeleteHey I hope you can talk today! Sorry I haven't commented all week or anything I've been pretty busy and I have homework this weekend but I hope you can talk on xat or something so we can catch up. ;D
ReplyDeleteHi birdle if you're reading this I wanted to say sorry I havn't been on a lot because I have been sooooo busy preparing for middle school :P
ReplyDeleteIm soooo excited for tomorrow I got my locker all set and all that fun stuff and I make all my supplies look pretty so when you read this reply and we can meet up on xat
Hey! Sorry I haven't replied been busy all doing Ap homework and church and stuff. But you will do great in middle school! I love high school so far and you will be so ready and fashionable for tomorrow hope you have a great day. I'm actually looking forward to school every single day because its much better then middle school(well for me at least) Anyways I'm going to get on xat.
ReplyDeleteWe so have to talk once you get back. I'm sick already because yucky kids come to school with germs so everyone is getting a cold in school so I'm home for today. And sorry I didn't reply last night I have 3 tests today but I have to take them Monday. Anyways yup we gotta talk I have a lot to tell you.
Deletecool lets meet up on xat soon
ReplyDeleteI'm on xat now. ;P
ReplyDeletelol we are always on at opposite times I will be on xat all day :D
ReplyDeletep.s. if im not I might have to go
ReplyDeleteHey! I saw this around 3 hours ago but I had to study a lot and work on homework. And I have youth group in an hour so we will probably have to talk this weekend!
Deletehey birdle we have not talked in forever so when u see this reply and maybe we can work something out because I still wanna see u
ReplyDeleteHey I have final exams for quarter 1 but will be on fall break next week so we can talk this weekend or friday XD since i will not be at school on friday
Deletemeow and exams eww goodluck im sure you will do epic just remember 2 and 2 makes a 5
ReplyDeleteI did really good on them so I'm happy about that! I can't wait to hear about your school stuff XD and yes thank you for that advice. I can talk tomorrow night probably after 5 since tomorrow at 2 I'm going to my friend's house because we have homework over break and we are getting that done tomorrow.
DeleteI guess this is it. Us being friends has sadly come to an end. We haven't talked in almost 2 months and that really sucks. I have so much to tell you and talk to you about. But it seems we have grown apart. I really want to be friends but with the fact that you can't talk on anything other than this sometimes, i guess it isn't meant to work out. I will always consider you one of my best friends and hope that we can talk again soon. But if that has to happen we need to be consistent even though we are busy we would both have to promise to always try and update/talk at least once a week. Sometimes I miss aj but then realize i only miss you guys and the fun memories we had. I really miss aj during Christmas time and since that is coming up i would love to relieve the memories again if i could. But we grow up and move on from things like that. If you ever want to talk leave it on here or you can of course skype me which is were i continue to talk to coolchico. My skype is ivy wang with a picture of coolchico saying "gurl this ain't no weave." feel free to add me on their if you can :D also you really remind me of one of my best friends piper she has a lot of the stuff you do. really hope we can continue to be friends but if not farewell and see you when you are older. i love ya in a friend way. and can't wait to hear from you again(if that happens)
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry! I never want to stop being friends and I'm really sorry I have not posted in a while. My computer broke and they totally had to reset it and I just now got it done. I want to talk as often as we can and my computer is so much better now! I have so much to tell you about middle school so far like how smelly the locker rooms are and how cool the friends I made are and all of that! I like your idea for a weekly update type thing and I will make a giant sticky note and glue it to my dog so she can walk around with it and I won't forget! I am mad at my computer for breaking but now it works so don't expect anymore problems and merry Christmas and happy new year and lots of sparkles and chicken and pie and cupcakes!
P.S. that really sounds like something coolchico would say cuz' she rocks like that and tell her I said hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's ok! i got a new computer last week tooand so today im really busy because i have to go to church at 1 for finishing touches on our parade for tonight for my church and then be at that until 7 or 8 so i can talk later tonight on wolfstar's chat or tomorrow! and can't wait to hear.
ReplyDeletecool lets plan to talk on a chat tomorrow! I wanna hear about how life is going and how you like starting a whole new school year!
ReplyDeletehi! when you see this lets meet on ur chat!
ReplyDeletei'll be there for a couple of hours!
ReplyDeleteHey sorry I was at church then had to go a couple places i'll be on there for a while.
Deletewanna meet on your chat when you see this
ReplyDeleteI was in school when you posted this soI shall be on chat until 9
ReplyDeleteI don't know why it says that lol I don't get out till 3 and also sorry I keep missing you on xat, we've been putting up holiday decor' (lol I feel soooo fancy) I shall be on xat today and I can't wait until we're on Christmas break so we can talk more often!
ReplyDeleteHey i probably wont be able to talk until this weekend during the day. maybe not even till break ihave a lotgoing on but my break is next week. anyways i have bethelem revisted this week plus studying for midterms and then really busy with that next week then a christmas party then foot surgery so maybe not for a little bit idk hopefully this weekend.
ReplyDeletewow sounds busy and foot surgery ooh I hope things go well you will be in my prayers and I also have all sorts of parties too lol. I am so annoyed about midterms because science is not my favorite subject of all time and we just got a new science teacher and she ain't to good at it lol. I hope everything goes well and I really hope we get to talk this weekend!
I have had surgery before, and the nurse gives you Gatorade lol
wow I said lol ALOT in that comment ^
ReplyDeleteMidterms suck lol but I'll probably be able to talk tomorrow afternoon. And ooh Gatorade. Good luck on your midterms too.
ReplyDeletei'll be on chat hopefully we can talk tonight
ReplyDeletehey reply when you see this!
ReplyDeletehey i saw it about an hour ago but i had to study for finals im really sorry im super busy this week but friday i get out at12 and then im going to a movie and then we can talk :D
ReplyDeletehey when u see this lets meet up on xat
ReplyDeletehey really sorry for not replying. i sawthis but i have been super busy and yesterday i got my foot surgery done so i cant walk a lot today except for the bathroom. so i have to rest my foot a lot so i can walk on it a little tommorrow for church and doctors. also happy almost Christmas!! hope we can talk today. :D
ReplyDeleteHey I hope everything went super well with your surgery! I have been praying for you every night and I hope you get well fast. I got a phone for Christmas and I'm pretty excited because now I can call my mom while she's at work easily and stuff like that. I really hope your Christmas went well and I will try to be on as often as possible Christmas is busy lol
ReplyDeletehey whats up we havn't talked in a while i know your still recovering from the surgery you had reply when u have a chance :)
ReplyDeleteHey I have about 3 weeks left until my foot is totally healed but i can walk and stuff. I had a ton of homework tonight so i really can't talk usually during the week until around 6 or 7 if im lucky anyways, i will try to catch you around that time tommorrow sincewe still haven't been able to catch up. if not deft this weekend.
ReplyDeleteOh and what kind of phone did you get? i might be getting an iphone next month(i'll tell you about it) but if your mom is ok with it in private chat we can swap numbers so we can text throughout the week which might be better than this. she can even read our texts if she wants. :P can't wait to talk to you!
ReplyDeletecuz darling imam nightmare dressed like a daydream
ReplyDeleteHey so imma be on chat all night and i will be on maybe on tomm. Come on if you can. Also i love that song and i have a cell phone before we are switching plans(it's not an iphone but its cool still) so we can trade numbers now if you are allowed. Also yesterday we got my dress for winter formal and omg its so pretty! i got it with some tights and then these amazing shoes that i bought with my honor roll money. but ya i have a lot to tell you and i don't have a date to winter formal (well i might have one soon...) lol i'll telll you about that too. But im very excited its on feb 14th so its gonna be so much fun. :D
ReplyDeleteawesome! We have a valentines dance but no dates allowed lol but at least all my friends would have one since theres 6 girls and my class and 14 boys
ReplyDeletehows your life
ReplyDeletepretty good how is yours? :D i really hope we can talk on chat soon or text lol we are always almost catching each other.
Deletei had a church thing all weekend it was d now really fun
ReplyDeleteI have been sick all weekend and i still feel crummy and i have eaten nothing but soup so lol life
ReplyDeletesame im sick right now. and sorry we haven't been able to talk in a while. i hope we can this weekend since i will be doing homework and being home all weekend. oh ya guess what was on the 18th? and we sign up for 10th grade classes on the 9th. :D
ReplyDeletewow sounds so awesome! I cant believe how much time has passed :D
ReplyDeleteIKR! I can't wait until summer because we talk more often then we do now. I'm really busy during the summer but I will be able to talk to you on vaca and stuff. How is school going? And next week im off school monday-thrusday because of testing and tomorrow is my last day of the school week since its a teacher workday on friday.
ReplyDeleteI cant wait until summer either! I think it will be easier to talk more and we will have more time to update eachother on this this page and talk about stuff! School is going good, I did a spelling bee but I got out on the word "nattily." I didn't know that could be used besides a name lol. I hope your school is going good! I can't believe how fast the year is going by for both of us! See u soon!
ReplyDeleteI don't know that word could be used that way either. School is going well for me and yay I can't wait to hear about all of your school adventures and stuff. And I can't believe you are almost in 7th grade and are going to be 12 soon. See you soon. :D
Deletehi sorry we haven't talked in a while! I've been at a camp and school and blah blah blah blah let me know when you see this!
ReplyDeleteHey that's okay! I'm getting a new phone on tuesday so if you can in anyway get a skype or exchange numbers with me we can talk.
ReplyDeleteCool! what kind of phone? and guess what, I flipped over the handle bars on my bike and broke my arm and collar bone :PPPPP and also someone on aj just asked me for an autograph and they were like THANKSSSSSSS YAY IM GOING TO TELL MY FRIENDS and Im like I think ur mistaken
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I hope you are okay!! And lol that's funny. School ends for us in 13 days and it's a nice alcatel one touch fierce 2. I really like it. Get well soon and we can hopefully talk soon since school is ending soon. :DD
ReplyDeletehi :P
ReplyDeleteHi!! I'm on summer vacation! I hope we can talk soon and when do you get out of school? I will be gone May 31st to June 5th because of camp so I will not be able to talk then but I can all of next week and then when I get back I'm going on vacation for 4 weeks. But I will be able to talk with you then. Hope everything is going well!!
Deletehi im finally on summer vacation too!! I got my cast off a few days ago finally so now I can fuction again :PPP. See u soon I will not be able to talk when I go to camp in june but I don't have much planned so
ReplyDeleteHi!! It's been so long since I replied to you so sorry about that! I hope everything went well with your cast and that we can tinychat or xat soon. I go back to school August 3rd so I hope we can get in touch before then! I can't believe you are already in 7th grade! it's amazing how time flies. :D See you soon.
Deletehi, when you see this comment can you meet me on the xat for your blog? it would be GREAT if we could talk :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♣♥♥♥♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteSorry I missed this! I'll be on xat all day until I leave for youth group at 6.
Deletehi :D I saw your AJ message, sorry I'm getting ready for new York, hopefully we will meet up today :D
ReplyDeleteHey I start school Monday so hopefully we can talk tomorrow or before then!