Tuesday, September 10, 2013

300th post!!

Hey guys and today is my 300th post!! To celebrate I made an outfit of the day lookbook including most of the outfits! Thank you to everyone who comments, watches this blog everyday, loves my blog, follows and just supports me! We haven't even hit a year yet (2 months away!) and I have this many posts and followers and blog views. That's pretty amazing to me. You can all tell from my first post a year ago if you read that, that I have improved a ton! Anyways thank you everyone! I hope you are entering my spike giveaway because I did that manly because you guys are awesome!

Next is the new item for today which is a pet fantasy castle! It's super cute and if I had enough gems I would have bought it!

Lastly is my outfit of the day! I'm wearing, a white fox hat, pink and blue spike, green mechanical angel wings, a gray legend glove, and a blue dinosaur tail!! I think it using pretty much every color of the rainbow while still looking fabulous!!

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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