Sunday, June 30, 2013

Stuck in the middle the sequel :l

Hey guys a couple months ago I did a post that was titled stuck in the middle. Well this is the sequel to that. You see two of my friends on AJ have been fighting and have been telling me about each other through messages and I'm just in the middle of this. They are trying to work it out but it's just ugh... You know what I mean? Anyways they either have basically like 2 options work it out or don't be friends. I want them to be friends but even if they couldn't be friends then I would still hang out with them equally. I'm not naming names and I love both of them and I don't want you guys to be mad at me but it's just sighs. I wish things would get easier. Anyways this is a night post which I usually don't do. Hopefully things will get better soon.

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