Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Elf shoes!

Hey guys! The gift for today is elf shoes. They are so cute and I got mine in pink. They come in different pairs so I'm logging into my other accounts to get them to send to my main because I really love them. I wish AJ would have them in stores but then they wouldn't be special. Tell me what colors you guys got down below.

Next is the new item for today which is the snowman hat. Perfect if you want to get in the winter spirit or maybe pretend to be a snowman for fun. Speaking of snow it's supposed to snow here again tonight and tomorrow morning so my friends and I are really hoping we get a snow day tomorrow. It has to snow a lot for that to happen though so we most likely won't get one. We haven't had a snow day in like five years so that would be nice.

Lastly is the outfit of the day! I'm wearing my gray reindeer antlers(yet again I just love them) a green sweater, my pink elf shoes, and a pink and white raccoon tail. Perfect for winter time.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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Monday, December 2, 2013

15 days till winter break!

Hey guys! I'm going back to school today and posting it before because I have time. I only have 15 school days till break on December 20th. That's really close to Christmas but that's ok the school day goes pretty fast most days while it drags others.

Next is gift for today which is 300 gems for everyone. Be sure to pick yours up and you can use it for more decorations or, Christmas AJ shopping or whatever you please. Also the rare for today is the rare snowflake blanket. It's super cute so be sure to pick it up before it's gone.

Lastly is the outfit of the day! I'm wearing, tan reindeer antlers, a red sweater, and green snow shoes. As you can see I'm in the Christmas spirit and all decked out in red white and green.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jammaildays have begun!

Hey guys as you can tell on AJ the Jammaildays have begun! This year instead of random gifts its an event calendar so every day everyone will get the same gift. I got the Happy Jammaildays mat which is pretty cute. Also I hope everyone kept their gingerbread house from last year although they are probably putting it out again. Don't worry non-members you can still decorate your den a ton with all the new items coming out.

Next are the new items for today. First the December birthstone which is the last birthstone for this year. Be sure to get it to complete your whole birthstone collection. Also we have the tree which is out. I had mine from last year so I don't think I'll be getting it again. I don't know I might change my mind and want two trees. For now I don't.

Lastly is the outfit of the day! I'm wearing, pink reindeer antlers, a purple striped scarf, a blue worn, a blue ring, and a blue and purple raccoon tail.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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P.S. I'll be updating the Jammer of the month and giveaway page today so be sure to stay tuned for that.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy birthday Puptart!

Hey guys it's Puptarts 11th bday today! Wish her a happy birthday.  Also I made her this cool pizap that I hope she loves and Puptart I'll try and make it to your party hopefully I can and I probably will be able to since I'm only doing Christmas decorations today so ya. Which took 3 hours for me to decorate our house and put up both of my fake trees by myself and decorate them. My house is all decorated now.

Next is the new item for today! Which is in the play as your pet party but I couldn't get in to see it. Anyways since I didn't have time to post yesterday I'll post the new item from yesterday. Which was a pile of snowballs. Can you guys believe that tomorrow is December 1st! Be sure to log on everyday till Christmas to get your gift. I'll be sharing what I got.

Lastly is the outfit of the day! I'm wearing pink reindeer antlers, a purple scarf, a white crossbow, pink boots, and a blue dinosaur tail. I love this outfit because it takes winter/Christmas with cuteness.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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P.S. I saw Catching Fire  yesterday and I loved it a lot better then the first one which is still really good. I followed the book pretty much and I can't wait till Mockingjay part 1.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving. If you live in the U-S-A then that's what today is. If you are in other countries it's probably just a normal day. Be sure to be thankful for everything you have, and to spend lots of time with your family and eat some yummy food. My family and I are actually going black Friday shopping tonight at 6. We aren't going to be out that long but it should be fun.

Next are the new items for today which are in the play as your pet party. First is the little beach towel, then the diner stool, and lastly the cool garden chair.(Sorry forgot the name of it!) These items are perfect for your den or your pets little den.

Lastly is the outfit of the day. I'm wearing, a pink turkey hat, a pink and white striped scarf, spirit armor, brown high heels, and pink tail armor.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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P.S. Coolchico and I are now having skype sleepovers since we don't live near each other. Were having one every night the rest of break, and we are going to have one every Saturday or Sunday. You can join us on Skype if you want as long as CC is ok with it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Striped Scarf, and 5 year olds.

Hey guys! Today I was at my mom's chiropractor with her because we were going to Target the store after that. While I was there their was a cute little girl who was the doctor's daughter. I started playing with her and even though she's five she is super smart. She was talking about the Hunger games, coming up with games, and knew how to play most games on my mom's nook. I love playing with little kids but sometimes it's just odd trying to talk to them but she was easy to talk to.

Next is the new item for today which is a striped scarf. AJ is starting to come out with all of their winter items and so far they are cute. I wonder if they will come out with a sweater since it is sweater weather. Which reminds me if you haven't heard that song what are you doing with your life go listen to it now.

So since it's almost December I decided that I'm going to be having a Christmas party that ties along with secret Santa. If you don't know what a secret Santa is basically I assign you a secret Santa based on the number you give me. I'll send you a jam a gram telling who your's is. You go buy that person a gift and don't tell anyone else who's your's is. You will also have a certain person who is your Santa. So basically your giving people gifts randomly and you tell them at the end. Of course you can still give everyone gifts which I'm doing so since I will not be a secret Santa or have one. So that's how it works and I almost have everyone a Santa. Don't give your gifts till the party though which I will have more details about later.

Lastly is the outfit of the day! I'm wearing a white fox hat, a pink and white striped scarf, a blue worn, white leaf bracelets, and a pink and darker pink raccoon tail. I was trying to think of how to wear the scarf when I put it on and all the rest of the pieces of the outfit fell into place.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wrapping stuff, and changing designs.

Hey guys! I'm not going to go see Catching Fire today my bff is still sick so we are going to be doing it on Friday because our families aren't really going black Friday shopping. My dad is but my mom brother and I don't want to go out late at night. Also if you are reading this you have noticed that I changed the blog's design to Christmas! I just couldn't wait and I'm really in the Christmas spirit so I said why not birdle Thanksgiving's only 2 days away.

Next is the new item for today which is the candle ornament! When I saw these I was so excited for them because I'm already decorating my den for Christmas and now I can put these around my den. These were here last year and I can't wait till they put out the cool ornaments for the tree and you can kind of put those on the tree.

Lastly is the outfit of the day! I'm wearing, a blue fox hat, a blue heart locket, spirit armor, white leaf anklets, and a green and purple tail. I forgot I had my blue fox hat that I got for my birthday this year so I was like hey I must wear this.

That's all for today and have a great day!!

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