Hey guys! So the surprise is that this is going to be a regular post. Anyways you probably were all thinking it would be something special but no I just decided to keep it normal.
First up is the new item for today which are Fancy shoes. They are cute and awesome for everyday wear but are a little silly. They kind of remind me of clown shoes.
Next are the new updates for this month which are pretty exciting! Cosmo's adventure is now open for everyone which is so awesome! I'm glad Aj opens these games up sooner for everyone and always is adding new items to keep people excited and keep up the fun.
Also a new animal is coming to Jamma which I found out is the reindeer by playing the puzzle. Just in time for Christmas and winter. I can't wait to see what they look like and decorate mine. I hope they aren't in the diamond shop though but they probably will be so I better start saving.
The mushroom huts are back once again and are so cute. Along with the tower adventure in hard mode. Also AJ has decided that all games will be in times two until the first of December which is awesome since I might be able to get some cooler prizes for you guys. And the game invites are now just like the adventure invites. I wasn't really surprised AJ changed this because they want to keep up with everything.
Lastly is that AJ is now having another game coming soon to mobile devices. Most likely iphones, ipods, and ipads which I do not have any of those so unfortunately I won't be able to play it. It still looks pretty cool though.
That's all for today and have a great day!!
Wait for it.......
SURPRISE! Happy birthday Coolchico/Ashley! I hope I fooled you thinking I wasn't doing anything special for you when really I have been planning this for weeks. Enjoy this video I made and sorry it's short but I hope you love it and stay tuned on Aj for more.
Now for the real signoff. That's all for today and have a great day!!