Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jammasian movement, raccons, and music video!!

Hey guys new updates on AJ today. First of all raccoons are now sold as pets! You can get them for only 3 diamonds in the diamond shop for a limitd sale time only! Also there is going to be a new Jammasian movement starting in June that has to do with the alphas which is like last year! I can't wait to see what AJ is bringing us. Also in a couple of days I will have surprise up for something speical that is going to be happening to my blog! Here is a music video I made a couple of days ago for a new song that I love that just came out! I'm getting better with these and sorry for the end I didn't get the chance to finish it. That's all for today enjoy!!

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Selena Gomez-Slow down AJMV

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I'm so happy!!!

Hey guys sorry about my last post it's just my blog was really messed up! But I got help from a dude on blogger help and I fixed everything! Sorry Gggal on AJ that I was like really mad I was crying though because I thought I might have to give up my blog and my blog is almost reaching it's 7 month anniversary! When its the year anniversary I will have something super special but that's not going to be till November. Also I'm reaching another exciting thing so stay tuned. Once again I'm super happy that my blog is fixed!

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Copying on AJ and new pet items.

Hey guys so I was thinking of what to talk about today when I remembered a letter one of my friends sent saying I copied her outfit. I didn't and she wasn't the only one that came up with that outfit. Anyways so lets talk about copying on AJ. Whether it be ideas, or clothes items to the way of doing something what do you think about it? I personally don't like copying unless someone gives you the credit in some way or asks you if they can use the idea. The point is don't copy unless you give credit or someone says its ok. I give credit to everyone that I use their idea from. Anyways the new item today is the pet carousel! They sure are coming up with a ton of great pet ideas. Be sure to get one! That's all for today have a great day!!

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Getting rid of negative things.

Hey guys another post wow. Just a thought that came to mind. It's about getting rid of the negative things in your life. On AJ or in real life. Right now I'm talking about AJ. So that means, people who cry because of just little items, or start drama, or rude people. It's the people who just start drama or say mean things or don't think doing something is fun when other people do and just leave melodramatically. What I'm saying is this, I need to get rid of the all the negative stuff around me because it just leaves me sad,mad and hurt and making me want to quit AJ. So listen up everyone, if you are starting drama or doing one of the things above repeatedly then I will probably delete you and move away from that. Negative things aren't good for your life and I have tried many other things to get the point across to people doing these things and to try to make AJ a better place for me. So if you are doing one of these things and you don't tone it down or stop I'm sorry but I will be deleting ya. I don't want that in my life it just makes it worse. I won't be breaking down and buddying you again or trying to make up because I will be done. Just some food for thought. Note: This is intended for everyone and not specially calling out people just telling everyone to be warned that I don't want to deal with this and you can come talk to me about it if you have problems with this post. Thats all for today for now and have a good day!!

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P.S. Look at the votes on the left how did I get that many?!!!

Another AJ Awards?

Hey guys so yesterday I was on youtube when I saw a video from Bepper that she was doing an AJ awards! Sound familiar?! Well she definetly didn't copy from us but she did have similar and different catogories. Mine was the Kindess awards. The video will be on the bottom if you want to see it and if you watch it on youtube you can vote for all of the catogories. In other news I got one diamond today from AJHQ. I really hoped it would be five diamonds or something else and just not one. So if I want to get an arctic wolf I have to save up 9 more weeks! That's 2 months and 1 week! Maybe AJHQ will have a promo code soon for diamonds or you can buy some. We will have to see. I won't be on AJ later today because I'm going to a fun place with my friends. Also if these are a little late then its because I'm busy running in the morning. Every morning starting today I will be running a couple miles. Anyways have a great day!!

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AJ Awards

Monday, June 3, 2013

Jammer weekly #2 for Puptart

Hey guys every week I'm going to be putting up my pictures that I took for the Jammer Weekly on Puptart's blog. So if you see this and are like what the heck is this? Well its the Jammer Weekly! I'm the photographer and here is the page to the first Jammer Weekly if you want to see it. Also here are the pictures hope you guys enjoy and like them!

Jammer weekly page on Puptart's blog:

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