Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hi peoples

Hi guys well last night was ugh. I'm tried because of track meet's which track ends next week and I kind of talked to Coolchico but in a fight kind of way. I was talking to her on WS comments trying to get her to talk to me later on a chat or something and WS is kind of upset because of this whole fight between so a lot of people I know are probably mad at me right now on AJ. I love AJ guys don't get me wrong but all of this stupid drama lately (some that people have been making) is making me really sad. I don't want to quit but this is really stressing me out on top of that with all of the homework and extra school actives I have to do. So if Coolchico is reading this leave me a comment of when to talk to you and where. As for the other drama just stop it. If you are going to start drama on purpose don't it will be just make me want to unbuddy you and not hang out with you anymore for doing that. AJ isn't supposed to be drama filled friend fights its supposed to be really fun with your friends. And right now it isn't.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Hey guys Happy Earth Day! Be sure today to wear green on AJ and recycle and get outside to enjoy the fresh air! I know I will. Also there is a banner on AJ for Earth day that's' pretty cool. I won't be on a ton tonight because after school I have a track meet, then homework, then a babysitting job. See you guys tomorrow. Also one more thing check out gggal's blog!

Gggal's Blog: http://thisisgggalskiosk.blogspot.com/

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A blog video!

Hey you will probably have to turn up the volume on this because I'm using my real voice and I'm speaking kind of quiet. Hope you enjoy!


Hey everyone!
This is from Gggal! And I'm having a makeup party!

Where:Gggal's den
When: 4/25/13
Bring:Sleeping bag, your favorite pjs and your favorite makeup.
Time: 6:00 gggal's time!

Hope you can make it!
If you can please RSVP through letter on AJ.

Peace- Gggal


Hey guys well last night was tense wasn't it. Coolchico quit AJ and no one could stop her so she is my buddy but WS has her account so its just WS on there. We had a bad fight last night and she kind of acted like our whole friendship meant nothing the past 6 or so months. Anyways have a good life Coolchico if you are reading this. Tomorrow is Earth day guys so be sure to wear green and recyle. I hope you all have a good day and I will talk to ya tomorrow!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


UGH! Guys first of all sorry I haven't posted in a while pretty busy. Second I had to delete Coolchico today I just can't take her being mean to me anymore its not working. But then she sent me a letter saying I'm going to quit when right after last week when we talked to her to stop doing that she does it! I just can't take it she was nice to me but still mean and talking to her didn't work. So for now I'm not her friend or mom here is some of the last letters she sent me before she logged off. Also she took down her blog so Coolchico if you are trying to make me feel bad than fine. Also don't quit I didn't want to make you quit or take down your blog or go all goth but I can't change your mind so bye I guess to you forever.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A drawing of my dog Bella:P

Hey guys I decided to draw some things so here is one of Bella. I think its pretty good I hope you guys like it though leave me suggestions of what to draw next!