Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Hey guys so my den got mixed in today with crystal sands,Gggal and then of course my own den. Here are some pictures I took of it to show you the crazyness also there was also another one of me standing on my wall.

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P.S. The party is going to be changed to tonight at 6 my time!

4th of July party today!

Hey guys today is my 4th of July party. Here are all the details again and I hope you all can come!!!

4th of July Party:
Date:July 3rd
Time: 3:00-4:00(My time)
Where: Birdle's den
Bring: Dress up in 4th of July colors
Games: There will be games, prizes and food!!
Who's Invited: Everyone
RSVP: Me please through Jam a gram or in the comments

See u then!!

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Party tomorrow and summer ending soon!

Hey guys so tomorrow is my Fourth of July party! I hope to see you all there. My summer is going to be ending soon. I only have 5 weeks of summer left. After I come back from vacation(leaving on July 12th coming back July 24th.) I will be back in the middle of the week so that will be the week of 2 weeks left. So pretty much I will only have 1 and a half weeks of summer left! Yes I know but while I'm gone on vacation I also get to go school clothes shopping. So I guess when I come back I will be having a back to school/summer ending party. Probably I will also go school supplies shopping. Anyways ya. You other peoples probably have a longer summer and I but oh well I love school and get so excited for it. I got back August 12th when do you guys go back? That's all for today not really AJ related but whatever anyways see you tomorrow!

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Rare Freedom Glove

Hey guys the freedom glove is here but for only one day! It's today's rare sold in epic wonders in the clothing orb. It is a bit pricey but if you are very good at the adventure and play about 2-3 rounds of that and get all the phantoms money and the treasure chests and the 500 gems at the end you can earn it. That's how I earned it. Also the ruby birthstone is here! I'm getting it to add to my collection! I can't wait to see the next update and see the next adventure! On both sides when you first enter there is a broken bridge. We will just have to wait and see. That's all for today and have a great day!

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Stuck in the middle the sequel :l

Hey guys a couple months ago I did a post that was titled stuck in the middle. Well this is the sequel to that. You see two of my friends on AJ have been fighting and have been telling me about each other through messages and I'm just in the middle of this. They are trying to work it out but it's just ugh... You know what I mean? Anyways they either have basically like 2 options work it out or don't be friends. I want them to be friends but even if they couldn't be friends then I would still hang out with them equally. I'm not naming names and I love both of them and I don't want you guys to be mad at me but it's just sighs. I wish things would get easier. Anyways this is a night post which I usually don't do. Hopefully things will get better soon.

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Giveaways galore!

Hey guys. So I just wanted to metion some giveaways going around that you might want to enter. First my giveaway of course. Second Puptart's. Third Snowyclaw's giveaway. Each are great giveaways to enter and you can find the other blogs on my cool blogs page or you probably have seen them by now. Another thing that is coming soon is the new adventure! Yesterday Coolchico showed me the bridge on the far right side of the adventure base that is kind of hidden. It is a broken bridge leading over to a new adventure. You can't go there yet because as I said it is broken but it will soon be coming and I can't wait! One last thing be sure to be checking out my book blog because I have been posting bi-daily on there. That's all for today and have a great day!

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

July updates and songs!

Hey guys so yesterday I updated the blog for July. Gggal said when she came on my blog that 4th of July exploded in her face! Lol I will probably change it after I come back from vacation to probably an end of the summer theme because I will only have a couple of weeks left before I go back to school. I start school on August 12th which is earlier this year but that's ok. Be sure to check out the Jammer of the month page and the Giveaway page for July's updates there. Also I found a great new song this morning and I think this might be the next song I sing or do on AJ so a music video. What do you guys think here's the song down below. That's all for today and have a great day!!!!!!!

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