Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gggal co and Diamonds!

Hey guys yet another post! Well this one is exciting! My friend Gggal and Wolfstar made a new company the gggal co! I will post the website down below to it. I'm applying for a job and hoping to get in! Also the diamond shop is so cool! Each week for members we will get additonal diamonds! You can also get them on the daily spin if you are lucky. They are selling many things you can get arctic wolves, and snow leopards and lions with diamonds. You can also get tail armor, giant lion plushies, clouds, legendary gloves, and more! Be sure to check it out its super cool!!! While I think it is many people don't becaues the things they worked for arent super rare anymore and they are talking about quitting.:( I hope my friends don't because of this.What do you guys think about it and be sure to comment on a couple posts back which movie role you would like! That's all for today see you later!

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The gggal co blog:

Wow new people looking at my blog!!

Hey guys so I was looking through some of the comments today when I saw a couple of people I didn't know. They were on the tail armor post that was a couple of months ago or on some other posts. So yay my blog is getting more popular after how many months I think 7? I don't know but I'm pretty sure its 7! Anyways I'm happy. Also yesterday Gggal accidentally recycled her tail armor! So please trade me that and AJ is now giving diamonds! Awesome!! Also members get new diamonds each week to buy stuff! So cool!! See ya later!

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I'm back on AJ!!

Hey guys as you can see by the title my AJ break is over. Well actually I had it over yesterday around 6:00 for me! My friend Coolchico was so sweet she gave me a hammock, and a pet roller coaster thing! Thanks again for those! Also last night Coolchico and Gggal both had awesome summer parties. Lol they planned stuff while on mine I just had people do whatever they wanted to do! That's all for today and make sure to read the post down below and comment which role you would like to be in!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Yay new banner/ upcoming movie soon!!

Hey guys today I had to chance to make a new banner with my AJ break. Also I'm going to be having an upcoming movie soon on AJ. Now this is one of my old movie ideas that I had about 6 months ago and not many people signed up to play a part. So I'm going to recast if anyone would like to join just leave a comment down below. Hope you all would like to be in it!!

Behind the dress
Two twin witch sisters are happy living along there lives in the castle where they teach others how to become witches like them. One day they discover a secret that has been hidden in there family for centuries. Not only are they witches but, they are the most powerful ones that will ever live in there family. Now they must leave there school to go on an adventure to discover the true powers they have and what they are capable to use. Along the way though an evil darkness has arise  The evil witch is back and ready for a war. With the help of there friends and there powers will they be able to make it out alive?

Parts available
Amber: Coolchico Amber is a brave young witch who is not afraid to face anything. With her sword by her side, she faces anything that comes her way. But there is something about her that nobody knows and will surprise not only herself but everyone around her.

Ivy: Wolfstar62867 Ivy is a shy witch that likes to keep to herself. She always wears her favorite pink beret that is a gift from her mother that left her when she was young. She also wears a moon black necklace that when she wears keeps all of her magic in it. She may not always stand out but she makes a big difference.

Sabrina: , Sabrina the evil witch once had a kind soul. The thing that turned her bad is still kept only to herself. She wants to take down everyone to rule the world. Always in her black cloak she keeps hidden from the outside world down in her liar. Some say if she sees the sun she burns down and will be gone forever.

Brittany:, Brittany made fun of by her name and pretty looks is only thought of as a princess girl who can't even think for herself. She doesn't want to marry the prince and become queen but to be herself and go fight out in the forest. Sick of the dresses and crowns she sets off to find her real goal in life, to become a warrior and intelligent girl who can think for herself and fight her own fights.

King Richard: Not taken, King Richard is Brittany's father and just wants everything to go back to normal when her mother was alive. Worried Brittany is becoming rebellious he goes to desperate measures to get his daughter to stay with him.

Set Design: Three dens filled using Wolfstar's, mine and Coolchicos so far.

Camera lady: Birdle I will film using screen cast o matic.

Editor: Birdle I will use windows media maker on my computer.

Director: Birdle.

Writers: We don't really have any writers we just go along and make sure it flows we only write some things that we think would be great for each part.

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Break is beginning today

Hey guys I will be on an AJ break for the next couple of days I will keep you posted for how long I will be gone and I will still be checking blogs I just need this break to get un-stressed from AJ so I can play again in a couple days. That's all for now see you  soon!!

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Maybe I need a break...

Hey guys I'm thinking about taking a little break from animal jam. It may last 3 days 1 or a week! I might take one because its stressing me out over a game that is supposed to be fun! Plus people being mean. If I do take this break I will probably still post something and check blogs but I just think its time for one. I'm not going to quit I just think maybe this will make AJ better. Stay tuned.

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Happy Memorial Day!

Hey guys sorry I haven't been on AJ or posted all day I have been hiking and swimming with one of my bff's! Well it's Memorial day be sure to thank all the soliders that have returned and pray for those that are still fighting and have died. I will have two videos up that Coolchico and I did for Memorial day yesterday up soon on my Youtube channel. Well that's all for today enjoy!!

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