Yesterday I reached a level 8 on the adventure! When you get to level 8 you get four hearts. It's awesome. I really want to get to level 10 because then you get a diamond shaped thing. Also on the adventures I noticed that when you are wearing a certain glove it impacts faster and harder. I was trying to figure out how to do it so its positive with gloves. Gggal and I tried all kinds of gloves but nothing worked. Oh well.
Lastly, I need to really change my background and stuff. I may do that today since we are staying at our RV camp and only going a couple of places. We will see. I really want to do a giveaway for my youtube but I still need one more subscriber so keep on clicking! That's all for today and have a great day!!!
P.S. According to Gggal shampooing your eyebrows is a great way to make them feel fluffy and look good. Will try that soon lol.