Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Gggal!

Happy almost 10th birthday Gggal! I hope you enjoy the video I made ya I worked hard on it! Also stay tuned on AJ for more!

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Hey guys tonight is Puptarts spring party! I hope to see you all there! I'm going to try and dress like a flower we shall see how that works out. And tomorrow I have a super surprise that will be up on this blog so make sure to check. Also be sure to check out the Jammer of the month and the new giveaway that is up before I pick a winner! That's all of today see ya later!

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spirit glove

Hey guys the May monthly gift is spirit gloves! I got mine and its pretty cool. Also I will be having a giveaway up tonight and the jammer of the month up also so be sure to check those pages out. I don't have a ton to say today but that's all for now jammers have a great day!

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May gemstone

Hey guys a new item today is the May gemstone! Later on this week the new jammer of the month will be up, and a new giveaway. Also here is a picture of my growing collection of gemstones hope you enjoy! I won't be on AJ at all tonight because I'm going to a sleepover after school and if you are wondering well its not the weekend yet it is for me! We have conferences on Friday and Thursday so ya. Have a great day!!

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Monday, April 29, 2013


OMG guys the rare for today is fox hats!! They are back go and get them while you can because everybody can get them!! I bought all of them this morning here they are!! Have a great day I know I will!!!

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crystal statues and driving!

Hey guys so have you noticed how many crystal statues aj is bringing in that represent each warrior(sorry couldn't think of the name XD.) I need to get them but I don't have a lot of gems right now. Also I'm thinking about saving up to change my den to a more summery den. Which one should I get of these choices; Mushroom hut or Treehouse. You pick down below and when I have enough gems I will get one. Last here is a video that I did last weekend with Gggal about driving do's and don'ts. Wow I have been making a ton of videos lately! See ya later guys.

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P.S. Any tips on editing music videos so the video fits the music. (Having a little trouble with this.)

                                                      Driving Do's and Don'ts

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Deep fried mailboxes:P

Hey guys! Well today I was hanging with gggal when she started eating deep fried mailboxes! Shes super random and does stuff like that all the time. On AJ make sure to check out the Jam session which I made a video on but wouldn't upload so oh well for now. Plus here is a music video that Gggal and I did last weekend but I forgot to edit all week enjoy!

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P.S. I will be having a surprise coming up in the next couple of weeks for this blog so keep reading the posts everyday to figure it out!