Monday, May 27, 2013

Maybe I need a break...

Hey guys I'm thinking about taking a little break from animal jam. It may last 3 days 1 or a week! I might take one because its stressing me out over a game that is supposed to be fun! Plus people being mean. If I do take this break I will probably still post something and check blogs but I just think its time for one. I'm not going to quit I just think maybe this will make AJ better. Stay tuned.

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Happy Memorial Day!

Hey guys sorry I haven't been on AJ or posted all day I have been hiking and swimming with one of my bff's! Well it's Memorial day be sure to thank all the soliders that have returned and pray for those that are still fighting and have died. I will have two videos up that Coolchico and I did for Memorial day yesterday up soon on my Youtube channel. Well that's all for today enjoy!!

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

News pictures for Puptart!

These are just some pictures that Puptart needs for the news on her blog! I'm the photographer. Special thanks to Gggal and Warriorcatz2 I used your den for these pictures because the game won't work for me!

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Santa Wolfstar!

Hey guys I had my party and while we had it WS became Santa! Here is a picture of us dancing and then WS becoming santa!! Also I hope you all enjoyed the party! Sorry this post is short but the pictures will explain!

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Summer/dino party!

Hey guys today is my summer/ dinosaur party! I hope to see you all there. I will reput the details down below and I had to change the time to make sure everyone can come! Dress up in summer clothes or as a dinosaur its going to be lots of fun!!

Time: 4:00 my time
Where: Birdle's den
When: Today!
Bring: Nothing unless you want to but make sure to dress up!
What we will do: Play games and just hang out and have fun!!

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Birdle the super spy!

Hey guys! So yesterday I adopted a newborn who turned out to be a liar that had two moms. So they unbuddied me. What did though was go undercover as birdle02 and spy on them. Apparently I hit them for getting a smoothie when I didn't do anything! I was super nice to that kid but ya. Anyways thats my plan to do when kids are bad spy on them!! Have a great day!

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

When will I quit aj?


Hey guys I know two posts in one day weird but this post spurred into my mind because of me being an 8th grader now, Coolchico's video, and other people quitting and other things. So the question is when will I quit aj?? The question is something I'm starting to think about more since I'm getting older. The answer to this question has 2 options and I'm not sure which will happen. A. I might quit aj at the end of 8th grade or at the end of the summer of 8th grade. B. Whenever I feel like it. I think both options are pretty reasonable I mean I'm not going to be playing aj in College! I know that for a fact. But I just don't know. There are tons of people out their older then me that are still playing. Dragonwolf70, Wolfstar62867, Pinkie80 and etc. But I don't want to be pressured to quit or be pressured to play longer then I want to. This does not mean I'm thinking about quitting right now and saying animal jam is a stupid old game that is babyish. That's not at all what this post means. It means I'm trying to tell you guys what might be happening in the next year an a half. But right now I'm good where I'm at. I love doing my blog, youtube, and playing it with my friends. But when I do quit I will not post on this blog anymore or play animal jam anymore. So I'm thinking that option A has a pretty good chance at happening. I love doing this. As for when I quit I don't know if I will give my account to anyone. Maybe Gggal or Puptart if they still play or Coolchico if she still plays. But if I do the membership will run out so ya. Another thing is that I could quit aj if it gets boring or I just can't take the stupid drama or it is affecting my life in some way. Right now AJ fights around my schedule not the other way around. Last I know sometimes I have to go and people are like you always have to go. But think about it, I have to do chores still and I had to do schoolwork and homework and all that but I have places to go. I don't play AJ 24/7 it's just something I play when I feel like playing it. That goes along with blogging so don't pressure me to play or blog if I don't want to I won't. I'm not saying this towards anyone by the way. Sometimes I get off AJ because I need a break or I want to read. My eyes sometimes hurt from playing it too long so sometimes when I say I got to go I'm just saying I just want to read or I really have to go eat dinner or stuff like that. Ok now we got off track bad Birdle!  Anyways this is a REALLY long post but just something to think about. Let me know down below when you guys might quit or thoughts on this subject.

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