Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!:D

Hey guys so Coolchico and I made up last night which is awesome! As for coolchico and gggal well they have to work that out. But everything is back to normal for me today!! Also Happy Easter guys!!! Today is Coolchicos Easter Party which is going to be really fun I hope to see you there. As for mine well I got too busy yesterday babysitting so mine was canceled. Oh well better luck next time!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

1 month Anniversary!!

Ok so I know what you guys are thinking i just had my 5 month anniversary last week so why would I have a 1 month one? Well its not for this blog its for my dog Bella 1 month ago today I adopted her even though it feels longer than that. I'm happy though also I won't be on AJ a lot tonight because I'm babysitting!


Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hey guys also I have a new fashion blog please check it out its going to be awesome the link is posted down below!! Ya!!!



Hey guys I'm super excited tonight is coolchico's award show! Hope to see you guys there:D


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jammer Style and stop scamming!!

So I was in the township when a ton of people were screaming jammer style and stop scamming by hopping and eat more tacos! So I took a pic for you guys to see!! Also today is the day for the AWARDS SHOW I will be having my ottd later on!!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013


So guys I made a new blog and I know I have another one a book one its just right now I have took  down the book one because I didn't really like it. But I have started a fashion and more blog!! I will put up the link once you can search it. And those are the only blogs I have now this one and the fashion one!!



Please vote guys down below the awards show is tomorrow and you only have until 10 am tomorrow to vote. Everyone who is a nominee I will be picking you up in the limo 10 mintues before the show so be on around 5:40 or 5:50 here or whatever time that was for you. Can't wait to see you all there!!!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Outfit of the day is back!! 3-25-13

Ok so I haven't done this in a while but it is back!! I'm going to try to keep putting it up and also remember to vote down below!! I'm wearing red mech wings with a blue princess necklace pink earrings pink tail armor and a purple glove! I hope you like it!!


Sunday, March 24, 2013


Ok vote for these people down below you have until Wednesday at 10:00 am.

Most giving: Coolchico, Puptart, GGGAL, or Metropolis
Most Caring: Wolfstar62867, Dragonrider12319, Dadmumme, or Puptart
Craziest: GGGAL, Birdle, Pinkie80, or Puptart or Warriorcatz2
Silly: Dragonrider12319, Coolchico, Metropolis, or Warriorcatz2
Most Understanding: GGGAL, Coolchico, Puptart or Wolfstar62867
Nicest Jammer: Dragonrider12319, Metropolis, Wolfstar62867, or Pinkie80
Most Creative: Birdle, Coolchico, GGGAL or Puptart

Be prepared for some crazy stuff to happen so don't freak out if something random happens!!


Kindness Awards:D

So I'm not trying to copy Coolchico's idea first of all on her blog with her awards show but I wanted to do something similar. These instead will be the kindness awards along with other catogrioes. I will be putting up the nominees later but these awards happen to be about doing good deeds and other things. So anyones more details down below hope you enjoy!:D


Bring: Wear something nice or fancy and bring something else you might want to give to a person who wins. You don't have to for the second part.
When: Wednesday march 27th
Time:6:00 my time
Nominees will be put up later tonight!

Awesome Idea look at Coolchico's blog!!

Coolchico decieded to have a animal jam hall of fame. So she has all the nominees up and if you are one of them you could win!! Be sure to check it out and vote down below on her comments because its tonight!! I hope to see you all there because I'm super excited. Also I need to watch the KCA's!! Bye.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

New Idea!!

Ok so I was being really random in gggal's den when I thought of a new thing I can do. Once a week film a short video with random people doing weird things. Dressing up or acting strange and see what people do! Hope you enjoy this weeks one once I get it up!!


Den tour!!:D

I finally got the new barn den which has some of the newest items in there. Check it out! Also my bloganniversary video finally uploaded check it out down below I worked super hard on it!!


                                                              Barn Den Tour

Friday, March 22, 2013


Hey guys so all week I have been planning this and today is the day. Two huge things for my blog are today. 1. This is my 100th post!! Yay and 2. Today is my 5 month bloganniversary! 5 months ago I started it today and it has been a great time all of these months. With ups and downs tons of people have helped me through it all. I made a really cool video for it but it won't upload I will try again later for my peeps to see!!!


5-Month Bloganniversary Video!!


Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hey guys I'm really tried and sore today because of track but tomorrow if Friday than Spring Break!! Also coolchico just made a new ghost blog check it out at her blog its pretty cool so far!:D


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hi guys I'm kind of tried from yesterday at school and track. In track we had to run for 15:00 minutes and than for 10:00. So ya. Anyways on AJ they got a salon chair!! I hope they make a salon den with more items because that would be so cool!! Hope you all have a great day!!!!!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Hey!! Easter stuff

Hey peoples Easter is coming in about a week or so, so I shall be having an Easter party!! Down below will be the details and have a great day!!:D


When: Saturday March 30th
Bring: Wear a cute outfit or an Easter costume of your own!
Who: Everyone is invited
Where: My den
Actives: Easter egg hunt, candy stuff, prizes, and more!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Hey peeps I hope you are all having a great St. Patty's day and are wearing green. Otherwise I might just find ya and stalk ya. Also do you guys think that this summer I should make a youtube channel? I don't have time to make one right now because of school and track but comment down below on what you think I should do. Have a great day and stay tuned because there will be a special surprise coming up soon on the blog!!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

I won't be on much soon...

Hey guys I won't be on AJ much for the next month or so because I have school work, tests, track after school from 3-4, and homework. So I will have to do all that before I post or get on AJ. I won't be AJ when its a school day until around 4:30 or after I eat dinner so 6:00 because of that stuff. Anyways I will be trying to get on as much as I can and keep you guys updated!!


Friday, March 15, 2013


Happy red nose day! Guys my friend coolchico is trying to make 10,000 dollars tonight just to send to this cause. Please look it up online it helps kids in Africa. She is at 100 dollars now. All you have to do is get on AJ and send her a gift and she will donate either 10, 20, or 50 dollars in your name. We can do this peeps and dress in red for a party later!:D


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hello my fellow peeps!:)

Hey guys guess what tomorrow is Friday. Well you probably already knew that but anyways remember to please come to my St. Patty's Day party on the 17th. Also on AJ barn dens are back I will put up a tour video of mine once I get one. Have a great day peoples peace out!!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Ok so I just looked up my grades for quarter 3 on this thing we have called parentbridge and I thought I didn't get straight A's because my literacy teacher gave me a B. But when I looked online I saw that it was changed to an A and I got all A's! I'm so happy now I told my parents and I was jumping up and down in my room. I know this is off topic of AJ but I talk about my life all the time and for some you you will be like you are such a big nerd! I know I am I have a reading blog and love school and want my grades to be good! Anyways I'm happy now I will be having a smile on my face all night!!!


P.S. I also have a shirt that says beauty and brains and has a girl with glasses reading! I love the shirt it totally fits me I shall wear it tomorrow for TCAP because a girl can be beautiful and still have brains which I have both. Not in anyway trying to be all about me,  for people who might take it that way. Just saying that I know im pretty even with glasses and braces!

Monday, March 11, 2013

And the winner is...

So the time has come to pick a winner for the golden giveaway. One quick thing is that Bella is back to normal she ate today and the vet said she is just fine! So thats awesome!! Ok so the first and second place winners are...

1st Place: METROPOLIS!!!
2nd Place: GGGAL!!!!

Congrats to you both I hope you enjoy your prizes!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Two things. So first of all my awesome bff/daugther coolchico might shut down her blog people if you don't start answering her giveaway or looking at it! Her blog is so epic and I really don't want her to shut it down so if you could please look at it that would be great. Also I'm kind of worried about my dog Bella she hasn't eaten anything in a day. She got spayed on Friday and ate than and some yesterday but I looked online and people said this was normal. If you could please pray for her to get better because if she doesn't eat her breakfast tomorrow than we will take her to the doctor. I hope she does!!!


Giveaway thing

So I had to take some stuff away from the giveaway because I was so busy in school I couldn't get it. I'm sorry guys but there will still be about 3-4 golden prizes plus rares.:)


Saturday, March 9, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Hey  I will be having a St. Patrick's Day party soon. Details down below also check out my music video down below.:)

Date: March 17th
Time: 3:00-4:00
Place:My den
Bring:Wear a St. Patrick's day outfit of some choice.
Who's invited: Everyone!!!

Kiss you by 1D music video!!!!

It took me awhile but I finally finished this! This was a surprise for all of my 1D friends because it is their favorite song and mine. I hope you all love it and enjoy the kind of dumb annoying girl in their!!


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Music Video:)

I couldn't add music to this one because I saved it wrongly so it wouldn't work. Anyways I worked hard on this and I hope you all enjoy!!! Another one will be up tonight or tomorrow that I think will make most of you very happy!!


Wow this girl needs God!

I was at birthday party on AJ when this girl was just clawing the face off of someone that walked by. I stepped in and told her to stop it than she said she had a bad day. So I told her I would pray for God to be with her. She was rude and took the tiara off my pet and broke it but it doesn't matter God will help her. I prayed on AJ for her. Her user is herfeetsmell and I think I knew her once!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I'm happy and a little tried. I just ran the mile run at school and ran my fastest time. I ran in 8:45 and I got an A! Which is awesome because I'm going to be trying out for track in a week or so. Anyways AJ is awesome as always and I will be on later tonight because I have to do homework!!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Monday!!:)

Hey guys it's Monday! I am actually excited to go to school today because it is my bff birthday today!! She will be 13 too and I get to tell my friends all about Bella. I guess Bella is now my alarm clock who wakes me up in the morning by jumping on me and giving me tons of kisses. Lol anyways I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I hope you are enjoying time on AJ. I saw on AJ someone saying Harlem Shake v.s. Gangnam Style who will win? Lol tell me down below which is better I personally like both.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Best day ever!!!

Today is so awesome!! I got a new dog today named Bella she is so cute and my other dog Dusty and her are getting along so far!! I will put up a pic of her later and my other dog!!!


Bella (She's pretty much my dog even though I have only known her for about 5 hours.)

Friday, March 1, 2013


Ok so most places on AJ that are packed are the township, canyons, and sometimes zios. But if you look down below this place was packed. For some reason a ton of people were in Brady Barrs lab. I took a pic for you guys to see.
